The Lancaster Group

Finite Results / Infinite Wisdom

Case Study

Third Party Reimbursement

Client owns, operates and manages several Medicare and Medicaid participating skilled nursing facilities and rehabilitation hospitals. Client endeavored to outsource its third party cost reporting function and to obtain third
party reimbursement planning assistance.

Case Study

Outsourced Third Party Billing

Client has struggled collecting its third-party accounts receivable. Specifically, 85% – 95% of claims have historically been collected, with the balance going unpaid and ultimately written off. Periodic turnover in the business office has led to decreased billing and collections performance.

CAse Studies

Survey Clearance

Client owns, operates, and manages several Medicare and Medicaid participating
skilled nursing facilities. A complaint survey resulted in one of the Client’s nursing
facilities to be in noncompliance regarding medication administration to its
residents. The survey resulted in 10 Immediate Jeopardy deficiencies and heavy

Business Planning

Client owns and operates several skilled nursing facilities. Client was
considering the replacement of certain of its facilities and the addition of ancillary services to its current business lines.

Case Study

Systems Implementation and Ongoing Performance

Client owns and operates several skilled nursing facilities and related ancillary businesses. Client experienced severe difficulties with regulatory filings, claims for business interruption insurance proceeds and compiling monthly financial statements. Client was operating without a Chief Financial Officer.

Case Study

Financial, Operating and Regulatory Due Diligence

Client endeavored to purchase a skilled nursing facility, operating in one state, with significant neighboring state Medicaid utilization. Client wished to assume the Medicare provider number and to obtain new Medicaid provider numbers.

Case Study

Accounts Receivable Collections/Clean-Up

Client operates and manages several Medicare and Medicaid participating skilled nursing facilities. Client experienced difficulties in managing and performing the collections process.

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